

Chaque participant est responsable de son propre transport. Cela comprend aller au centre de course ainsi que d'atteindre les sites de compétition.

S'il vous plaît prenez en compte lors de la planification du voyages que c'est le week-end de l'Ascension. Basé sur l'expérience, on doit s'attendre un volume de trafic supérieur à la norme, en particulier sur A2 à travers le tunnel du Gotthard, ou aussi en train (réservation conseilléé!).

Transport privé

Les participants arrivant en voiture privée doivent utiliser le parking payant proposé par les organisateurs à tous les jours de la compétition. Les cartes de parc coûtent 20. - pour toute la semaine et peuvent être achetées avec l'inscription ou au centre de course.

Transport public

Pour atteindre le Tessin, vous devez utiliser les trains officiels. Veuillez consulter l'horaire en ligne, qui comprend tous les trains supplémentaires prévus pour ces jours.

Pour le retour le dimanche 13 mai, un train spécial quitte Lugano à 15h49 avec des arrêts dans toutes les principales villes. Il arrive à Arth-Goldau à 18h31 et Zurich à 19h42. Une réservation pour les groupes est nécessaire.

Toutes les étapes peuvent être atteintes par le système de transport public. En raison des jours de vacances pendant la semaine, il est possible que certaines routes aient des fréquences limitées, et nous vous recommandons de consulter le site de transport officiel .

L'organisation des EGK 5-jours de Suisse a demandé d'augmenter la capacité de certains courses spécifiques vers et depuis les étapes (veuillez vérifier la description pour chaque étape individuelle). Cette augmentation de capacité ne sera accordée que s'il y a une démonstration que le courses normales ne suffisent pas, il est donc obligatoire que les groupes mais aussi les single athlètes indiquent avant le 3 mai quel parcours ils utiliseront pour le voyage vers les éteapes comme suit:


1st stage – Carona - Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Post bus stop “Carona Paese” 5 minutes to the EC.  

Post bus starts from Lugano Autosilo Balestra (only 40 seats available) approximately every hour at xx: 31. Return from Carona Paese to Lugano Autosilo Balestra  approximately every hour at xx: 59. Please check under

Due to route constraints, capacity increases of the official courses will be offered only between Paradiso Scuole/Stazione to Ciona, and only in case the reservations on (even for single persons) show that the normal capacity doesn’t last.

Paradiso Scuole/Stazione to Ciona at:  10:41, 11:41, 12:11 (with a 20 min walk to the EC) and returning at 16:02, 17:02, 17:32 from Ciona to Paradiso Scuole/Stazione.


2nd stage - Serpiano - Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Post bus stop “Meride Paese” then 15 minutes walk to the EC. 

Post bus leaves Mendrisio station approximately every hour at xx: 33. Return buses from Meride Paese to Mandrisio Station approximately every hour at xx: 06. Please check under

Capacity increases of the official courses will be offered on following courses and only in case the reservations on (even for single persons) show that the normal capacity doesn’t last.

Mendrisio stazione to Meride Paese at:  9:33, 10:33, 11:45 and returning at 16:06, 17:06, 18:06 from Meride Paese to Mendrisio stazione.


3rd stage – Tesserete (SPM) - Thursday, 10 May

ARL Bus stop “Tesserete Stazione”  5 min walk to the EC.

Buses leave from Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.08.

Returning buses from Tesserete Stazione to Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.32 (consult the site

Capacity increases of the official courses will be offered on following courses and only in case the reservations on show that the normal capacity doesn’t last.

  • 10:08, 11:08, 12:08 from Lugano Stazione Nord
  • 15:32, 16:32, 18:32, 19:32 from Tesserete to Lugano Stazione Nord.

Due to the public evening dinner followed by a concert of Sebalter, there will bea n extra course at 22:00 (after the concert) from Tesserete Station to Lugano Station Nord (reservations to be done on above link).

There is also a Post course (on a longer route) between Lugano and Tesserete (line 443) which offers possible alternatives (consult ).

To reach the EC it is not allowed to leave the marked trail.


4th stage – Capriasca - Saturday, 12 May

ARL Bus stop “Tesserete Stazione”  5 min walk to the EC.

Buses leave from Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.08.

Returning buses from Tesserete Stazione to Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.32 (consult the site

Capacity increases of the official courses will be offered on following courses and only in case the reservations on show that the normal capacity doesn’t last.

  • 7:08, 8:08, 9:08, 10:08  from Lugano Stazione Nord
  • 15:32, 16:32, 18:32, 19:32 from Tesserete to Lugano Stazione Nord.

There is also a Post course (on a longer route) between Lugano and Tesserete (line 443) which offers possible alternatives (consult ).

To reach the EC it is not allowed to leave the marked trail.


5th stage – Tesserete-Vaglio - Sunday, 13 May

ARL Bus stop “Tesserete Stazione”  5 min walk to the EC.

Buses leave from Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.08.

Returning buses from Tesserete Stazione to Lugano Station Nord every hour at xx.32 (consult the site

Capacity increases of the official courses will be offered on following courses and only in case the reservations on show that the normal capacity doesn’t last.

  • 8:08, 9:08, 10:08  from Lugano Stazione Nord
  • 15:32, 16:32, 18:32, 19:32 from Tesserete to Lugano Stazione Nord.

There is also a Post course (on a longer route, but one early in the morning) between Lugano and Tesserete (line 443) which offers possible alternatives. Consult

To reach the EC it is not allowed to leave the marked trail.